Biography & Research Achievements
Academic Background
Graduated from Keio Shonan Fujisawa Senior High School
Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science
Completed the Master’s Program in English and American Literature at Keio University Graduate School of Letters
Bachelor of Laws, Keio University
Master of Arts in Literature, Keio University
Work Experience
Olympus Corporation
Teaching Experience
Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kyorin University
Courses: “Medical English,” “Nursing English,” “English Reading Comprehension,” “English Communication”
Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of International Studies, Kyoritsu Women’s University
Courses: “International English,” “English for Qualifications,” “Current Affairs English,” “Cross-Cultural Communication in English”
Part-time Lecturer, Kato Gakuen High School
Course: “Chinese”
Research Assistant (Fixed-term), Graduate School of Letters, Keio University
Overseas Residence History
United States: Connecticut, South Carolina
Main Academic Interests
- Sociolinguistics (Language Socialization Theory)
- Discourse Analysis (Language Acquisition)
- Conversation Analysis (Parent-Child Interaction Analysis)
Academic Associations
- Member, Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences
- Member, International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)
- Member and 2022 Editorial Board Member, Colloquia
- Member, American Anthropological Association
Best Presentation Award, 45th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences
Research Achievements
Ozaki, W. (2019). Topic and activity control in father-child interaction during shared picture book reading. Colloquia, 40, 139–156.
Ozaki, W. (2020). A statistical analysis on the use of confirmations during dyadic picture book reading in Japanese. Colloquia, 42, 75–94.
Ozaki, M. (2020). Usage of of course in conversation to convey discovery. Fora, 4, 1–7.
Ozaki, M. (2021). A comparative study between Japanese and American mother-child interactions during joint picture book reading. JELS, 38, 212–217.
Ozaki, M. W. (2021). Ehon no yomi kikase ni okeru nichibei hikaku: iken ni kansuru hatsuwa no tōkei-teki bunseki [A comparison of picture book reading between Japan and the United States: A statistical analysis of utterances related to opinions]. Papers from The 45th Annual Conference of The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences, 66–69.
Ozaki, M. W. (2021). Nichiei ehon hon’yaku ni okeru shiten kōzu no kentō [An examination of viewpoint composition in Japanese to English picture book translation]. Fora, 4,1–7.
Ozaki, M. W. (2021). Multimodality during shared book reading in Japan and the United States. Colloquia, 42, 75-94.
Ozaki, M. W. (2023). Knowledgeable children: Reconceptualizing children’s roles in language socialization. Kyorin University Journal, 40, 49-61.
Ozaki M. W. (2023). Parental enactment during shared book reading in Japan. The Japanese Journal of Language in Society, 26(1), 181-196.
Ozaki, M.W. (2024). Ehon no yomi kikase ni okeru kanjō hyōgen no nichibei hikaku [A comparison of emotional expression in picture book reading between Japan and the United States]. Papers from The 48th Annual Conference of The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences, 235-238.
May, 2020
The English Linguistic Society of Japan 17th International Spring Forum (Held at Kansai University)
A Comparative Study Between Japanese and American Mother-Child Interactions During Joint Picture Book Reading
Mar, 2021
The 45th Annual Conference of The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences (Held at J.F. Oberlin University)
Ehon no yomi kikase ni okeru nichibei hikaku: iken ni kansuru hatsuwa no tōkei-teki bunseki [A comparison of picture book reading between Japan and the United States: A statistical analysis of utterances related to opinions]
Jun, 2021
The 17th International Pragmatics Conference (Held at Zurich University of Applied Sciences)
Empathy Training During Joint Picture Book Reading in Japan and the United States
Jul, 2022
Sociolinguistics Symposium 24 (Held at Ghent University)
Mutual Understanding Between Parents and their Infants in Japan and the United States
Jul, 2023
The 18th International Pragmatics Conference (Held at Free University of Brussels)
Parental Scaffolding During Pretend-Play in Japanese and American Households.
Sep, 2023
The 4th Student Workshop of The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences (Held at J.F. Oberlin University)
Teikei-sei no okubukasa: Komyunikēshon ni okeru imi to sōzō-sei no tankyū [The Depth of Conventionality: Exploring Meaning and Creativity in Communication]
Mar, 2024
The 48th Annual Conference of The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences (Held at Fukuoka Women’s University)
Ehon no yomi kikase ni okeru kanjō hyōgen no nichibei hikaku [A comparison of emotional expression in picture book reading between Japan and the United States].
Jun, 2024
Sociolinguistics Symposium 25 (Held at Curtin University)
Picture Books, Emotions, and Culture: A Comparative Study of American and Japanese Parent-child Interactions
Sep 2024
The 5th Student Workshop of The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences (Held at Osaka University)
Kodomo no Nichijō Katsudō no Fumeiryō na Ikō Katei: Kaiwa Bunseki no Shiten kara [Ambiguous Transition Processes in Children’s Daily Activities: From a Conversation Analysis Perspective]
Ozaki, M. W. (2021)
Master’s Thesis
Joint Picture Book Reading in English and Japanese:
An Interactional Linguistics Approach to Empathetic Speech Acquisition. Keio University Graduate School of Letters.